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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, with no conflicts of interest pending resolution, and it is not under review or consideration for publication in any other journal or work. If otherwise, this should be justified in the "Comments to the Editor" section.
  • The submission files must be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF format (maximum 2MB) for the article, and in JPG or PNG format for images to be included within the text. The author(s) explicitly confirm that they hold the necessary rights or are the original creators of the images.
    The paper is between 5,000 and 10,000 words in length. The main body of the text is single-spaced, with no paragraph indentation, justified alignment, and uses a 12-point font. Italics are used instead of underlining. Footnotes, figures (minimum 300 dpi), and tables are embedded within the body of the text. All margins are set to 2.5 cm.
    The list includes only the references (not bibliographies) for works (textual and audiovisual) that directly support the ideas, claims, and concepts presented in the article. It follows the format specified by the 7th edition of APA standards ( ( When available, DOIs and URLs must be provided.
  • It is acknowledged that the article will undergo scientific evaluation through the double-blind peer review system.
  • The submission process requires the ORCID ID of the author and co-authors to be provided.
  • A short personal biography (maximum 200 words) is provided in the submission process, emphasizing institutional affiliation and academic and artistic qualifications.
  • In the submission process, the author provides an illustrative image of the article (JPG or PNG, minimum 300 dpi), with the author ensuring they hold the usage rights. If the article is published, this image will be used on the RED website.
    All tables, as visual representations consisting of columns and rows in which numbers, text, or a combination of both are presented, are numbered and ordered. The table number (e.g., Table 1) appears above both the title and the body of the table. Notes are added below the table to describe the content, define abbreviations, explain asterisks, and/or provide copyright attributions.
    All figures are numbered and ordered, with the figure number (e.g., Figure 1) appearing above the figure title and image. Notes are added below the figure for descriptions and/or copyright attributions.
  • In the submission process, you will provide 3 to 5 keywords.
    The text of the article does not include any identification of authorship or institutional affiliation. Whenever authorship can be identified through bibliographic references, these are replaced by Author (20XX).
  • An abstract of 200-300 words is provided during the submission process.
    Authors guarantee full cooperation in the review process after their article is accepted for publication. In the event of non-compliance with this cooperation, the article will not be published, even if it has been declared accepted. Authors agree to provide additional information that may be useful to the editor and to submit the necessary permissions for the reproduction of any previously published material, the use of previously published illustrations, the publication of data concerning identifiable individuals, or the inclusion of individuals' names and contributions in the acknowledgments section.(

Author Guidelines

1) Registration in the OJS system and subsequent access through login and password are mandatory for paper submission and for the subsequent editorial process.

2) As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the compliance of the submission with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply will be returned to the authors.

3) RED publishes exclusively unpublished papers resulting from research, studies, and artistic and scientific practices in the field of Dance. Unpublished papers are published in Portuguese or English. The journal accepts original submissions in English from foreign authors.

4) The texts to be published must be in paper format, emphasizing the theoretical dimension and presenting a unique and important contribution to the field of Dance. The author(s) are entirely responsible for the form and content of their paper(s).

5) It is recommended that texts referring to performances, presentations, or similar include images and/or videos, which must be inserted within the body of the text, with subtitles placed below the insertion, single-spaced, and centered. The authors declare that they hold the copyright for the inserted images.

6) All submissions will undergo scientific evaluation through the double-blind peer review system. Papers that are part of thematic sections organized by a guest editor must be submitted by the author and will go through the same peer review process.

7) Submissions must be made through the RED OJS system, where the data of the authors and co-authors must be entered exclusively in the system’s form. Meta-data, including email address, affiliation (with the name of the institution, acronym, and country), ORCID ID, and a biography (with a maximum of 200 words) emphasizing institutional links and academic and artistic backgrounds, should be provided. During the submission process, an illustrative image of the work may also be uploaded (JPG or PNG, minimum 300 dpi), for which the author ensures permission to publish. This image will be used if the article is published on the RED website.

8) The paper document must be free of any identification, either through the authors' names typed in the body of the text or in the file properties, or through any mention of information that could reveal the authorship. If the authorship of the paper can be identified by the bibliographic references included in the body text, these should be replaced by Author (20XX)____________. If you encounter difficulties in making the paper anonymous, you should mention this in the "comments to the editor" section during the online submission process so that personal assistance can be provided.

9) All quotations must be presented in the original language. In the case of a less common language, it is recommended to include the translation into English immediately afterward, enclosed in square brackets.

10) Papers should include an abstract (200-300 words) and 3-5 keywords (keywords should address essential elements of the paper, such as the research topic, population, method, application of results or findings, and can be listed in any order, not necessarily alphabetical). Papers should be formatted in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF file as follows:

(10.1) single-spaced, no indentation, justified paragraph alignment;

(10.2) font Arial or Roboto 12 points;

(10.3) all margins of the document are 2.5 cm;

(10.4) quotations longer than 40 words should appear detached from the body of the text, single spaced, without quotation marks and indented two cm from the left and right margins;

(10.5) double quotation marks only for direct quotations in the body of the text;

(10.6) italics are used for foreign words, neologisms, for particular uses, and titles of works. Do not use bold or underline in these cases;

(10.7) underlining is used only in URL addresses;

(10.8) footnotes are used instead of endnotes;

(10.9) tables (demographic, factor analysis, correlation, regression, etc.) as visual representations composed of columns and rows, in which numbers, text, or a combination of both are presented, should be numbered and ordered, with the table number (e.g., Table 1) appearing above the title and body of the table. When necessary, notes may be added below the table for the description of content, definitions of abbreviations, explanations of asterisks, and/or copyright attribution.;

(10.10) figures (graphs, flow charts, drawings, maps, photographs, infographics, and other illustrations) should be numbered and ordered, where the figure number (e.g., Figure 1) appears above the figure title and the image. When necessary, notes may be added below the figure for description and/or copyright attribution;

(10.11) the research funding entity, when applicable, should be mentioned at the end of the document;

(10.12) the article should be sized for A4 paper and have between 10 and 20 pages, with references, footnotes, and figures/tables (minimum 300 dpi);

(10.13) in-text references must use the author/date system as follows: (Author's last name, year) for indirect citations and (Author's last name, year, page) for direct citations (Examples: (Alves, 2007) or (Alves & Moura, 2020, p. 45). Different titles of the same author and year should be identified with a letter that differentiates them. Example: (Alves, 2007a, p. 21);

(10.14) the list of bibliographical references should be unique, integrating all textual and/or audiovisual works used that specifically support the ideas, arguments, and concepts in the article; it should take the format indicated by the 7th edition of the APA style and, when available, the DOIs should be indicated. Examples:

11) Scientific Transparency

RED establishes as a mandatory procedure that authors declare the existence or absence of any conflict of interest. Even if the author believes there is no conflict of interest, this condition must be declared, along with any sources of funding. Any financial assistance received must be identified.

It is also mandatory to declare and specify the contribution of each author. The Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) is recommended, providing guidance on 14 roles typically performed by collaborators in academic output.

Recommendations for applying the CRediT taxonomy are as follows: list all contributions, whether from authors or other individuals, assigning multiple roles to individual contributors or, for a given role, assigning multiple contributors; specify, if applicable, the degree of contribution as 'major', 'equal', or 'supportive'; and provide the opportunity for all contributors to review and confirm the roles assigned to them;

The statements and specifications mentioned are recorded in the document "Authorship Statements and Specifications," which must be signed and submitted with the article. A signature from all authors of the paper is required, and this can be done via electronic signature.

In order to maintain the integrity and transparency of the research activity, if the paper is approved, the information contained in the above declaration will be incorporated into the final version of the manuscript to be published.

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