The article intends to discuss formative processes through the analysis of the body-movement of Psychology students in university research and extension activities. We understood knowing as a process that occurs in bodily experiences and that constitute contingent and provisional subjects and worlds, given their temporal and connective character. The limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic made up a double problem: how to maintain quality formative in Psychology using distance learning and how to investigate learning by/with the body in university research and extension, meeting “virtually” with its participants. Focusing on the realization of the Recorpar Project (Federal University of Espírito Santo - UFES), the analysis of the second issue indicates productive elements for the discussion of the first. It is a project that aims to consolidate skills and abilities of Psychology students, sharing ideas produced in a research group, when providing clinical care to student users of the UFES Student Assistance Policy. The investigation of virtual consultations shows us that, although the geographic distance can bring different difficulties to the meeting, it is possible to develop a dynamic for the expansion of effort. Turning to our bodies and listening to the body of the other, we feel the affective tune that allowed the maintenance of an intentional attitude of presence, from which a quality formation is made.