The collection and organization of data on culture in Brazil has become an imperative in the face of public policies for the formation of the Culture National System, developed and installed in the early years of the 21st century (Matos & Nussbaumer, 2016). Considering the relationships that are established in contemporary societies, understood as network societies (Enne, 2004), this study aimed to understand the structures of networks that were configured in the processes of formation and performance in dances in schools/academies of dance and groups, companies, collectives and independent dance artists, in two mesoregions of the state of Pernambuco, namely: Zona da Mata, the closest to the state capital and São Francisco, the furthest from the state capital. To this end, a data collection survey was carried out in five municipalities in the State of Pernambuco, totaling 85 subjects, through a structured interview with open questions about the training processes and professional work in dance, in dance schools/academies and in groups, companies, collectives and independent dance artists with a view to creating networks. The visual qualitative analysis of the networks showed that the training and performance networks in dance in Zona da Mata were characterized as hierarchical networks and the training and performance networks in dance in São Francisco were presented as networks without scale in some parts of the total social network., unlike studies on other regions of the state (Gehres et al., 2021).