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Thematic Section: Somatic education and embodiment in a digital world

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Revista Estud(i)os de Dança 3

Somatic references in dance education: Jocelyne Delimbeuf and Angel Vianna



Prompted by the questions of what dance education and somatic practices can achieve, this research aims to analyze the relationships between somatics and dance, exploring potential intersections between these fields. Despite the increasing body of research on this topic in recent decades, it remains crucial to question: how has somatics evolved, considering the perspectives of researchers and their practices, as well as the academic environment? Additionally, which dance educational programs incorporate somatic principles into their teaching and learning? What significance does this intersection hold? 

            Thus, the research, of which this article is a part, aimed to analyze somatic practices in dance education within a higher education context, focusing on the cities of Lisbon and Rio de Janeiro. Specifically, it examined the Bachelor's Degree programs at the Escola Superior de Dança (ESD) and Faculdade de Motricidade Humana (FMH) in Portugal, and courses at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and Faculdade Angel Vianna (FAV) in Brazil. Overall, it was observed that the four educational institutions have distinct relationships with somatics. It became evident that certain perceptions were reinforced by multiple instances. Each school functions as an ecosystem that shapes and perpetuates conceptions of the body and dance. 

            In this article, an attempt will be made to provide a brief contextualization of the institutionalization of dance training in both countries. This will culminate in an exploration of the work of two influential women whose theories and practices guided teaching and learning, particularly in their engagement with somatic practices within two of the aforementioned institutions: Jocelyne Delimbeuf [1949-2012] at FMH and Angel Vianna [1928-present] at FAV. The ideas, theories, or methodologies developed by Delimbeuf and Vianna have become methodological cornerstones for these institutions, establishing direct connections with the somatic field.


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