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Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Revista Estud(i)os de Dança 2

Analysing a concept as a research practice: Concept analysis, according to Walker and Avant using social dance as an example



Based on a critical reflection using conceptual analysis methods and drawing from the lecture “L'Anàlisi de Concepte, segons Walker & Avant” given as part of a research seminar of the Research Group in Education, Heritage and Intermedia Arts (GREPAI) in November 2023, this method of narrative analysis aims to adopt an exploratory approach to the literature on dance. It was used to analyse the concept of social dance, which is the key part of the researcher's study, developed within the framework of the interuniversity doctoral programme in Art and Education at the University of Girona. It concludes that concept analysis is a method of practical application that contributes to deepening, innovating, and generating knowledge of dance.


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