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Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Revista Estud(i)os de Dança 3

Dancing with a virtual entity in an immersive environment (VR): The imaginaries of GhostDance Movement #1



Dancing in Virtual Reality: The Imaginaries of GhostDance Movement #1 is one of the first publications assigned to the GhostDance exploratory project. In this article, we discuss two virtual reality choreographies – Boidance (2021) and Ghostdance Movement #1 (2023) – in which some of the dancers incorporate entities perceived through virtual reality using a Virtual Reality headset into their movements. We maintain that there is a ghostly quality to this interaction. To explore the existential condition of the dancer while dancing, we use the concept of the “imaginary”, as articulated by Roland Barthes in A Câmara Clara (2022), to address the multifaceted ontology of the subject in the face of virtual experience. 


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