Maria José Fazenda is Coordinator Professor at the Escola Superior de Dança – Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (Lisbon Polytechnic’s Higher School of Dance) and senior researcher at CRIA (Centre for Research in Anthropology – Portugal). She holds a Bachelor in Anthropology and a Master in Anthropology from Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities - New University of Lisbon) and a Ph.D. in Anthropology from ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Lisbon University Institute). She completed the dance course at the Escola de Dança - Conservatório Nacional (Dance School - National Conservatoire).She is editor of the bilingual book Movimentos Presentes: Aspectos da Dança Independente em Portugal / Present Movements: Aspects of Independent Dance in Portugal (1997, Cotovia, Danças na Cidade) and author of Dança Teatral, Ideias, Experiências, Ações (2nd edition 2012, Colibri; 1st edition 2007, Celta).
The current scene of theatrical dance in Portugal is multicolored. The purpose of this dossier is to contribute to the knowledge of this practice today, of the meanings and social realities it updates, and of the movements of people to which it gives visibility. In Portugal, professional theatrical dance only gained significant expression very late. It was after the Revolution of April 25, which put an end to the authoritarian regime of the Estado Novo, in the context of a stable democracy, did dance witness notable growth. In this text, we highlight productions — written, visual, and aural — that trace their historical trajectory and/or their movements and aesthetic directions, and we frame the diversity of current dance, emphasizing, in the year in which the fiftieth anniversary of the Carnation Revolution is celebrated, the importance of political action, from all sides, in creating the conditions necessary for the development of a free and plural dance, open to the diversity of movement idioms, dancing bodies, representations of shared group experiences and individual narratives.
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