Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Revista Estud(i)os de Dança 1
Daniel Tércio holds a BA in Philosophy and another in Fine Arts, a MA in Art History and a PhD in Human Motricity, Dance. He is Associated Professor at the University of Lisbon, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana and researcher at INET-md. As member of the board of directors, he coordinates the branch of INET-md at Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, leading the group on Dance Studies. He published more than 20 articles in specialized journals, such as Performance Research (UK) and Repertório (Brazil). He authored several book chapters, some of which in volumes published by prestigious publishing houses such as Peter Lang and SAGE. As principal Investigator he coordinated the project "Technologically Expanded Dance" (TEDance) and he presently coordinates two projects: "Terpsicore", an archive on dance and performing arts, and the FCT funded project "Technologically Expanded Performance" (TEPe), this one in partnership with Brazilian Universidade Federal do Ceará. He also led two exchange projects with French Universities. He is author of two science fiction novels and several short stories issued by Portuguese and Brazilian publishers. As a critic, his dance reviews appear regularly in the Portuguese press since 2004. Currently, his interests range from aesthetics and dance history, to cultural studies, iconography, digital technologies, and urban studies.
PhD in Dance. Researcher and Coordinator of the research group at INET-MD, Institute of Ethnomusicology - centre for studies in music and dance/Polo FMH. Foreigner invite collaborator in the research group ‘Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisa Arte em Movimento ‘(NEPAM) , of the Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (Brazil)
Coordinator of PhD Dance Studies. Main arguer of several PhD thesis. She was Jury : of PhD Research Fellowships FCT; Arts Training Grants Abroad (FCG); Professional Aptitude Exams – Professional Course of Contemporary Dance Performer (EDAM)
Dance Teacher at the University of Lisbon - Faculty of Human Kinetics (FMH-UL), Department of Education, Social Sciences and Humanities. Author of several articles. Participation in National and International Congresses, through lectures, lecture demonstrations and workshops some by invitation. Actual research interest: dance teaching, Improvisation and choreographic composition, creative dance, inclusive dance, dancing in the community. Choreographer for more than 30 years in dance community context. Since 2007 working with some inclusive dance Projects, in Portugal namely ‘Companhia Dançando com a Diferença’; ‘CERCIMA’; ‘Dança e Gira’. In Brazil: Cruor Arte Contemporânea. DanceAbility-Lisbon2017 Teacher Certification Course. Portugal National representative of the 'Dance and the Child International' organisation (Daci).
Luísa Roubaud is a Professor in the field of dance studies at the Faculty of Human Motricity of the University of Lisbon (FMH-UL). She holds a PhD in Human Motricity/Dance, a Master's Degree in Contemporary Portuguese Culture and Literature from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) and a Degree in Clinical Psychology (University of Lisbon). She is an integrated researcher at the Institute of Ethnomusicology – Center of Studies in Music and Dance and is the director of the Study Center in Performing Arts (CEAP) at FMH. Her areas of interest, teaching and research focus on Cultural Studies in dance and performing arts, particularly, the connections between dance and the body and the domains of postcoloniality, inclusion, criticism and psychosociology of art and dance. She is the author of several texts and essays and editor of books in these fields, with emphasis on themes such as dance and expressive culture in Portugal and in the Portuguese-speaking space, from the modernist period to the present. In this context, she curated exhibitions, directed documentaries, regularly collaborates with publications for dance and performing arts collectives, with cultural institutions and in the Portuguese press (from 2005 to 2020 in the Público newspaper)
Margarida Moura has a Ph.D. in Human Kinetics - Dance (Traditional Dance). She is a teacher in undergraduate and graduate dance courses at Human Kinetics Faculty - University of Lisbon, in the fields of dance education, dance in the community, and dance heritage. She is an external scientific reviewer and scientific advisor in the Dance doctoral degree. She is responsible for sixteen entries in the Encyclopedia of Music in Portugal in the Twentieth Century. (four volumes) and author of an ethnochoreographic writing model of Portuguese Traditional Dance. She is also a researcher in the Ethnomusicology Institute – Center for the Study of Music and Dance (INET-md).
The Editorial Board is pleased to announce the publication of the first issue of RED - Revista Estud(i)os de Dança.
This journal has been under preparation for almost three years. It is the culmination of the expansion of INET-md at the Faculty of Human Kinetics and the purpose of disseminating the research we develop in dance, in dialogue with cultural studies, the body and digital technologies, education, leisure and recreation, improvisation, choreographic composition and social inclusion, of extending it to other academic fields, and of bringing together an increasingly wider community of interested readers.
Thus is born the Estud(i)os de Dança journal.