Michele Akiko Toyama Leitão, Maria João Alves Exploring Connections and horizons in Dance pdf (Português (Portugal)) pdf
Inês Zinho Pinheiro, Madalena Xavier Feeling of ‘group belonging’ in movement exploration processes: Experimental study with people who don’t usually dance and with higher education dance students pdf (Português (Portugal))
Ana Vitória Freire The female body and its disruptive movements in the conquest of the performative space pdf (Português (Portugal))
Montserrat Iranzo-Domingo, Margarida Moura Analysing a concept as a research practice: Concept analysis, according to Walker and Avant using social dance as an example PDF
Eva Azevedo The trance state of a Vodum adept body in Benin, as inspiration in a creative process PDF (Português (Portugal))
Sílvia Pinto Coelho Cathy Weis talks with Sílvia Pinto Coelho. Sept-Dec 2022, Weis Acres, Broadway SoHo, US PDF (Português (Portugal))